The Oklahoma City Metro area rests on traditional sites of the Gáuigú (Kiowa), 𐓏𐒰𐓓𐒰𐓓𐒷 𐒼𐓂𐓊𐒻 𐓆𐒻𐒿𐒷 𐓀𐒰^𐓓𐒰^(Osage), Wichita, Nʉmʉnʉʉ Sookobitʉ (Comanche), Kiikaapoi (Kickapoo), and many other tribes who made their homes here. Oklahoma City today is a community of many diverse Native peoples who continue to live and work here. 

As a Muscogee (Creek) Nation member, I respectfully acknowledge and honor all Indigenous communities—past, present, and future—and am grateful for their ongoing and vibrant presence. I acknowledge the systemic policies of genocide, relocation, and assimilation that still impact many Indigenous/Native American families. And, I respect the work of Indigenous leaders and families and pledge to make ongoing efforts to recognize their knowledge, creativity, and resilience. Mvto!

Land Acknowledgement